Sable Target Intelligence

Comprehensive safety reporting for any drug target


Across clinical, genetics, experimental and text sources.

Safety Specific

Across clinical, genetics, experimental and text sources.


Across clinical, genetics, experimental and text sources.


Across clinical, genetics, experimental and text sources.


Precise Summaires

Referenced summaries at report, system or risk level help you to understand key points at a glance.

Multi-modal data

Blends a mix of experimental, clinical, genetic and text-derived data to show you the relevant information together in one place.

Similar Target Support

Uses a variety of techniques to show similar targets, allowing exploration of wider safety for off-target or less well studied targets.

Works on any target

Reports can be generated for any target


Dismiss, comment or collaborate on risks with your team using a structured commenting system.

Organ System Risks

API Access

We offer convenient programmatic access to reports and scores for data-driven teams.

Use cases

Target Intelligence is designed to serve these scientific use-cases:

Target Safety Assessment

Evaluate possible safety risks associated with a selected target. Tailored to your chosen modality and mode of action. Follow recommendations to reduce the chances of safety failures in the clinic.

Target Selection

Rank a set of targets for safety risks associated with your chosen modality. Evaluate targets against a series of safety related risk categories Explore and select the targets least likely to bring safety concerns.

Interested in Sable Target Intelligence? Get in touch with us today to arrange a demo

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What scientists say

Here's some of the things scientists have said about Sable Target Intelligence

Have to commend you on what we’ve seen. We’ve seen innumerable data dumps - this is the first for safety scientists.

Your thinking is impressive too on the risk scoring - we know this is a difficult thing to do

I haven’t seen anything quite like this.

It looks very nice. It would be a great help.

© 2025 SableBio Limited (Company number 15084894)